Ingat Waktu Coy

Ingat Waktu Coy _

Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Another way to hack Facebook accounts using OAuth vulnerability

Another way to hack Facebook accounts using OAuth vulnerability


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In recent few months White hat hacker Nir Goldshlager reported many critical bugs in Facebook OAuth mechanism, that allowed an attacker to hijack any Facebook account without user's interaction.

Another Pentester with the name 'Amine Cherrai' reported a new Facebook OAuth flaw, whose exploitation is actually very similar to Nir Goldshlager's findings; however, this is a new way which is still vulnerable.

Now, if you are knew about the old vulnerability used on Facebook with OAuth in redirect_url parameter in the URL, there is a new way that Amine Cherrai discovered, to bypass the patch made by Facebook security security team.

He found a new file on Facebook, that allows redirection to steal  the access_token of  the victim's account.
Successful exploitation again allowed hacker to hijack Facebook accounts using OAuth Flaw.


Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Target Website Hacking Technique With ‘symlink_urduhack.php’

Lets start….No DDoS.
Apply My Own Concept Which was introduced by me in 2011,with  UrduHack Team..
If your target website is not vulnerable, but you really want to hack it,
How to get the IP of your target?
Open up cmd (Run->cmd.exe or in Vista/7 press ‘Start button’ and in the search bar enter cmd,
then click it) and type ‘ping’. is your target of course.
You will see something like this: Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:.
In the brackets ([]) you can see the remote IP. Now enter it on the given website (above).
You will get every website that is hosted on the server (same hosting).
It makes you the job much easier, because the chances of hacking your target website are much bigger.
You need to exploit only one of them to get to your target. If you managed to upload a shell to one of these websites,
you can be 80% sure that you got your target, of course if it uses a SQL Database (Uses every Forum, Blog and other CMS’s.)
After you uploaded a shell,
upload this great php script coded by the UrduHack Team called ‘symlink_urduhack.php’
Download here.
It creates a symlink to your target website.
So you need to know what CMS your target is running and you need to know where the config file is located.
For example in MyBB it is located in ‘inc/config.php’, in vBulletin it is located in ‘includes/config.php’.
In the uploaded shell (not on your target host, on the website you did it) run a command: cat /etc/passwd
This Unix command will display you the contents of the passwd file located in the etc folder.
That means, every user on the system. If your target’s website is ‘’ (example)
you need to search in the /etc/passwd file something with ‘forum’ or ‘forumpow’.
If you find something like this, you can be sure it is your target. Use CTRL+F for fast search.
Once you found it, go to the shell home (to the directory where the shell was uploaded) and look for the path in the top.
It will be something like this: /home/[namehere]/public_html/.
Copy it to notepad, and replace your username with your targets one, ‘forumpow’ (example).
Open the uploaded file ‘symlink_urduhack.php’ in your browser and
paste there the path from notepad. It will create a symlink to the target website.
Click the symlink0 hyperlink. If everything worked fine, you will be able to see all files on the target site. (Even read).
But it does not work always, so let’s create a direct symlink to the configuration file, so you can connect to the database
and read the contents.
Let’s imagine, the target forum is running vBulletin and you need to get the content of the config files.
You would enter this: /home/forumpow/public_html/includes/config.php.
Would create a direct symlink to this file. Now you can use your SQL Manager on your shell to connect to the database.
maybe the most hard part is decrypting the passwords…
You can follow this tut or you can simply update the password and salt with already cracked ones and login with it.



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