Ingat Waktu Coy

Ingat Waktu Coy _

Senin, 02 September 2013

Joomla and WordPress sites Finder and Brute Forcer


Joomla and WordPress Sites Finder and Brute Forcer 
Enjoy guys 

The Archive Contains

1. Joomla BruteForcer PHP Shell
2. WordPress BruteForcer PHP Shell
3. Joomla Sites Finder from a Server PHP Shell
4. WordPress Sites Finder from a Server PHP Shell

5. Private 1337day Server Exploiter to Auto Find and BruteForce Joomla and WordPress Sites

6. WordPress Brute Forcer Software to Work Faster with a Big Pass List

Enjoy Guys ....
 Download Direct:
Joomla and WordPress Sites Finder and Brute Forcer 
Enjoy guys 

The Archive Contains

1. Joomla BruteForcer PHP Shell
2. WordPress BruteForcer PHP Shell
3. Joomla Sites Finder from a Server PHP Shell
4. WordPress Sites Finder from a Server PHP Shell

5. Private 1337day Server Exploiter to Auto Find and BruteForce Joomla and WordPress Sites

6. WordPress Brute Forcer Software to Work Faster with a Big Pass List

Enjoy Guys ....

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